The Gallego-Perez Nanomedicine Lab works with numerous collaborators on projects related to our research initiatives. Click the links below to learn more about our collaborators and their research efforts.

Kolb, M.D., Ph.D.
Dr. Kolb is a professor of Neurology with Ohio State's Wexner Medical Center. His lab aims to understand the molecular consequences of genetic variants associated with motor neuron diseases (i.e., amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, spinal muscular atrophy) in order to develop effective therapies of genetic and non-genetic forms of these diseases

Moore, M.D.
Dr. Moore is a Professor and the Chair of the Ohio State Wexner Medical Center's Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. She works with a multidisciplinary team of specialists to provide individualized, comprehensive care to restore the health and well-being of severely injured military members.

Otero, M.D., Ph.D.
Dr. Otero is an associate professor of Neuroscience with Ohio State's College of Medicine. His work aims to elucidate the etiologies of perinatal breathing disorders such as apnea of prematurity, congenital central hypoventilation syndrome (CCHS) and, ultimately, the sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

Palmer, Ph.D.
Dr. Palmer is a professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering and the Asssociate Dean of the College of Engineering. His lab aims to engineer novel hemoglobin-based oxygen carriers for various applications in transfusion medicine, including to improve oxygen transport in tissue engineered constructs as well as solid organs and limbs.

Powell, Ph.D.
Dr. Powell is an associate professor of Biomedical Engineering and Materials Science Engineering with Ohio State. Her lab is interested in developing technologies that can help heal large burn injuries on skin, reduce scarring post-injury, and improve the quality of life for these patients.

Segal, M.D.
Dr. Segal is the chair of the Department of Neurology and the director of the Neuroscience Research Institute, as well as the co-director of Ohio State's Neurological Institute. His lab studies interactions between the immune system and central nervous system (CNS), focusing on innovative research in multiple sclerosis.

Skardal, Ph.D.
Dr. Skardal is an assistant professor of Biomedical engineering at Ohio State. His research focuses on the design and implementation of extracellular matrix-inspired hydrogel biomaterials for the biofabrication of tissue and tumor organoids, organ-on-a-chip systems, and cancer-on-a-chip systems for drug screening, disease modeling, and personalized medicine.

Stanford, Ph.D.
Dr. Stanford is an associate professor of Physiology and Cell Biology with Ohio State's Wexner Medical Center. Her research focuses on the novel molecular mechanisms of exercise that improve metabolic health, especially as it relates to exercise-induced adaptations to white and brown adipose tissue.